Video: SAP Improving Performance, Enhancing Experience for Sports Teams Worldwide

SAP has raised its level of participation in sports and entertainment with videos that emphasize how its solutions can help coaches, teams and entertainers elevate their performances through technology. 

The latest video jumps off the page with energy. Take a look:

There are three ways SAP is involved in the sports and entertainment world:

  • Sports partnerships
  • Entertainment partnerships
  • Sports ambassadors

NBA's stats site powered by HANA Cloud

Many of the partnerships between SAP and sports organizations are international, but two U.S. partnerships of note are the National Basketball Association and National Hockey League. The NBA built its stats site on SAP HANA Cloud, giving fans “unlimited access to the league’s entire statistical database,” according to an SAP “Solutions” article about the partnership. 

This new video, released in September 2022, explains it a bit more.


Sports fans are nothing if not stats geeks. By making it clear how these statistical databases are being made available, SAP and the NBA provide a concrete example of how SAP powers systems that people rely on and — in the case of sports and entertainment — find enjoyment in. 

NHL and BTP: That's powerful alphabet soup

The National Hockey League has been using SAP BTP solutions since 2019 to power its mobile coaching app. 

The app,  powered by the SAP HANA Cloud database,  has experienced a four-time increase in league-wide usage since its inception as a coaching tool. 

According to Pittsburgh Penguins head coach Mike Sullivan,  quoted in this SAP article about the partnership, “We’ve relied on technology more than ever during this pandemic to interact with players.”




Coaches for 31 teams tap into the features of the app, which are numerous. Here’s just one example listed in the article about the partnership: 

Player skating: NHL clubs will have insights to the total distance a player skates during the game and their top speed, so coaches can manage their player’s ice time throughout the game. Specific to speed and distance, the app can break it down into 10-second increments to help develop optimal shift lengths.

How’s THAT for innovation?