3-Part Series: Migrating to the Cloud

“Tech-Driven Business” podcast host Mustansir Saifuddin and guest Matt Florian of Comerit tackled three important topics around cloud data warehouses, addressing issues both have heard from clients and colleagues. Here’s the podcast series and the blogs that accompanied them, as well as the on-demand webinar, “Data Cloud Warehouse Migration Roadmap.”

Data volumes keep growing, so how can enterprises better manage their data? In this first of three parts, Mustansir Saifuddin and Matt Florian discuss the benefits of moving to a cloud data warehouse, the changing landscape of options, and what to consider when choosing those options. Read Insights 

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How can enterprises better manage their growing volumes of data? In this podcast, Mustansir Saifuddin and Matt Florian dive into the value of hybrid cloud-based data warehouse solutions, especially how to approach creating one and real-life lessons learned. Read Insights

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Approaching cloud-based data warehouses requires planning and effort across the enterprise. However, one of the biggest pieces that is undervalued is organizational change in cloud analytics. Read Insights

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On-Demand Webinar

Get the nine steps you need to migrate your data warehouse to the cloud in this free, on-demand webinar with Mustansir Saifuddin
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Media Inquiries

Mariyah Saifuddin

Email: info@isolutionpartners.com